Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to just drop an audio file into Google Drive and have a transcription of the file created automatically? With Zapier, a popular automation tool, it’s possible.

Before we dive in, why use Zapier for this in the first place? Because there are all kinds of things we could automate with Zapier that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. Here are some ideas:

  • Transcribe voicemails and send them to your email or Slack

  • Automate transcription for recorded meetings

  • Transcribe customer support calls and create tickets

  • Generate podcast show notes

The first step is to get familiar with Zapier and learn how to use their Webhooks integration so we can start building out all our great ideas. 

In this tutorial, we’ll start with a basic workflow -  drop a file in Google Drive, use Zapier Webhooks to send the file to Deepgram to be transcribed, and then add a text file of the transcription to a folder in Google Drive.

Creating an audio transcription zap

Let’s jump right into creating our zap. We’ll head to the Zapier dashboard. We’ll choose the classic view (versus the AI view) so we can tell Zapier which apps we want to use. To start, we’ll connect Google Drive to Webhooks by Zapier. This will give us a template to work with.